October 4, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Train collision in Czech Republic: Three killed and dozens injured.  Minister of Transport: “Serious situation”

Train collision in Czech Republic: Three killed and dozens injured. Minister of Transport: “Serious situation”

The clash took place in the village of Milavce, West Western Czech RepublicNear the border with Germany. Involved in the incident was the Czech Railway, an international high-speed train connecting the western Czech city please With Munich In Germany And a local passenger train.

The victims have not yet been identified ThreeAnd 31 injured 4 Intense. “We can confirm that two people lost their lives in this accident.” The Czech National Police said on Twitter, Indicates that the accident happened after 8 a.m. local time. In July last year, three people were killed and dozens injured in two separate train accidents in the Czech Republic.

4 helicopters and several rescue teams arrived at the scene. “The situation is bad,” said the Czech transport minister Karel Howlisek, According to which it seems that the accident may have been caused Human error And report that Driving a high speed train He could not stop at a certain place.

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