October 27, 2024

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What is it Regina Kylie and learn to sing along

What is it Regina Kylie and learn to sing along

The Pope usually prays it every Sunday at 12 noon Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square, followed by a short meditation on the Sunday Gospel and commentary on world events. The Pope’s words are broadcast around the world on radio and television and are widely shared on social media.

During the Easter period, from Easter to Pentecost, the Pope prays it instead of the Angelus Regina KylieIt is an old hymn by an unknown author about Mary and the Resurrection. During Easter, you will also sometimes hear Regina Caeli in Gregorian tones in our monasteries and convents at the end of the Last Prayer of the Hours.

Text by Regina Kylie with Dutch translation

FYI: Ae e and caeli are pronounced (sometimes written coeli) and tsheli are pronounced.

Regina Kaylee Lattari, Hallelujah
What comes next, hallelujah
Resurrection Sikut Dixit, Alleluia
Ora pro nobis Deum, hallelujah.
O Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Hallelujah
Because what you deserve to carry, hallelujah
The resurrection is, he said, an alleluia
Pray for us, Hallelujah.
Will it be Regina Kylie instead?
He prayed the Angelus, and then he came
Add these rules:
Rejoice and rejoice, Virgin Mary, Hallelujah.
Quia surrexit Dominus vere, Hallelujah.
Rejoice and rejoice, O Virgin Mary, Hallelujah
Because the Lord has truly risen, Hallelujah.

Learn to sing with Regina Kylie

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