July 27, 2024

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Will Thuis’ dated Nederpools disappear (after the disappointing season finale)?

Will Thuis’ dated Nederpools disappear (after the disappointing season finale)?

The longing was of an unprecedented nature. For weeks, night after night, they were excited about me. Now I’m an orphan, frustrated with people doing the most beautiful job in the world in a dark room with a lack of oxygen, perhaps in something more than underwear and sandals: a scenario residence to write.

The foreplay was unfortunately long but promising, and would have ended with fireworks of the caliber of Romeo landing, in a hoarse voice with overtones, in Juliet’s bed. They spoiled us that Tim, the epitome of trust, was a corrupt cop. They hinted that without Frank there would be no shortness of breath. residence It’s starting to falter, but now it seems Simonne, the foul-drama queen, isn’t out of soap at all.

Hooray, Frank and Simon stay together after all.Image © VRT

Throughout the 27th season, the successor has been great residence Again in the use of drama as a means of touching on social topics. A character called Robrecht – How cruel is someone like Robrecht? – He was gay bashing. Ruprecht then found out that the dean, the love of the battered and runaway victim’s mother, was a dirty, greasy voyeur. Robrecht died after the dean pushed him down the stairs.

Kristen is back in drama this season, and so has Kobe’s acting performance. Among all the tragic events, Tanya died of a methamphetamine overdose, Leo died of a stroke, and at one point Frank was angry with the bread jam. Instead of releasing books and podcasts, residence Better invest in a hallucinogen that allows me to travel as hard as soap writers when they are at work.

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The sheer web of storylines could have led to the end of a season for the history books, but the regression couldn’t have been greater. The double episode was like a concert by Dua Lipa that he decided to perform for her The most powerful songs Alternatively, only play mystery demos on your xylophone. Where did the tension go? residence So write?

Other than the past five minutes, which showed that five characters were in mortal danger, nothing had happened. Lowie has declared he wants to be a single dad on purpose, as he puts forward a new story, but no one else has died, and surely at least one character must die before summer vacation?

Goo Dieter and Tim – Both best friends forever if Best cops forever – Survive the assassination attempt on Chris? And will dated Nederpools disappear from the screen with Waldek? If I had to choose, let it be the latter. But at first I had to sit hungry for another two months.

all episodes residence Can be displayed on VRT NU.