May 2, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

A Texas teacher was fired after allowing Anne Frank to read his diary

A Texas teacher was fired after allowing Anne Frank to read his diary

The comic book or graphic novel, published in 2018, is based on the diary of Anne Frank, who died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. The comic book was banned in several school districts in conservative Texas after parents complained about sexually suggestive passages. For example, Anne describes her genitals in her diary, while elsewhere writing that she would like to touch a friend’s breasts. Such scenes also appear in the comic book.


The comic book has been heavily criticized by conservative groups and parents in the United States for some time. The newspaper said that a Republican school principal from Florida described it as “Anne Frank pornography.” In April 2022, it was removed from a school library in Vero Beach, Florida, after the leader of Mothers for Freedom, a conservative advocacy group, said the work violated “state standards for accurate teaching of the Holocaust.”

In an email to all parents, the school wrote that the teacher apologized for letting them read the “inappropriate book.” A substitute teacher has already been hired at the school in Beaumont, east of Houston. The Texas Teachers Union condemned the dismissal, calling it an “attack on the truth.”

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