July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

After testing them in recent years, the government purchased 4,482 Daser electric guns for law enforcement.

After testing them in recent years, the government purchased 4,482 Daser electric guns for law enforcement.

The government purchased 4,482 taser electric pulse pistols, which will be distributed to police, Carabinieri and Cardia de Finanza agents in the coming months. This was announced by Axon, a multinational security firm, which won the tender and signed the supply contract. The device has been tested locally for the past few years – with Some issues – and has been used for many years as an alternative to guns in the United States and some other countries. However, the taser is believed to be one Controversial tool Because there are side effects for affected people.

In various cities, the government has approved the purchase of electric guns after an initial testing period lasting from 2018 to 2020. Muro Palma has been the guarantor of the rights of prisoners for many years He criticized The government’s decision to test and purchase taser guns: In a recent report to parliament, Palma wrote that the taser should be considered “a real weapon” and that “the widespread use of electric-powered weapons in many countries has led to abuse and dangerous conditions.”

In the 2019 census, Reuters He discovered By then at least 1,081 people had been shot with taser guns in the United States.

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