July 26, 2024

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Floods in Germany and Belgium, at least 118 people and more than a thousand missing: ‘Streams become rivers in floods’.  Seehofer: ‘Criticize climate crisis’

Floods in Germany and Belgium, at least 118 people and more than a thousand missing: ‘Streams become rivers in floods’. Seehofer: ‘Criticize climate crisis’

The situation in the two northern regions is deteriorating by the hour Germany Disaster-prone: According to the latest update from the authorities, they are at least 103 people affected e 1,300 missing. An event defined by the media “Historical Proportion” It has also affected neighboring areas Belgium, Luxembourg e Netherlands, At least where it is Another 15 died And thousands of people hours without electricity.

home Minister, Horst Seehofer, As other members of the government have already said, “no one can doubt that this catastrophe is related to the climate crisis,” he reiterated. Announcing federal assistance to people affected by the floods, Seahofer said, “My ministry is currently working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Finance. Olaf Scholes“. German Home Secretary, Stephen Meyer, He spoke today “Humanitarian disaster“:” Small streams turned into rivers in a matter of minutes, and people could not be prepared for what had happened: those in the basement or on the ground floor were suddenly attacked, with no chance of escape, “he explained to the BBC. As a result, an unknown number of people died in Erfstad-Plassem. “There are victims,” ​​the DPA wrote.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel He said he was “shocked” and used dramatic terms to define an almost unprecedented situation. President Frank-Walter Steinmeier “Our country is united in times of emergency,” he declared. The Environment Minister reiterated yesterday that what happened could not be underestimated by simply describing it as “bad weather”, but it is important to realize the dramatic consequences that have resulted.Climate change“. The meteorologist writes today in Photo Codidiano Luca Merkel, “Now the exceptional event is becoming the norm for the contemporary climate”, politics needs to act quickly.

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In Germany, hundreds of people isolated by telephone are wanted – According to the German police quoted Picture, Death toll rises to lowest in Germany 103. According to the German newspaper At least 43 people They died in northern Rhine-Westphalia, at least 50 In the Rhineland-Palatinate. District Ahrwheeler, This time they result A total of 1,300 people are missing. These should include the victims of the last recorded landslide in the Cologne area. Authorities have not yet been able to provide accurate information on the dynamics of the landslide due to difficulties in communicating with the affected area. Emergency calls from surviving homes continue as residents have not evacuated or returned to their homes despite the floods. Currently the evacuation of the population center is only possible by boat and rescuers cannot reach all the people in case of emergency. In addition, a gas leak that cannot be stopped makes the recovery process much more difficult. Many nursing homes are said to have been evicted.

The Land of North Rhine-Westphalia has released some interesting pictures The destructive power of water It quickly erodes all the land around the housesLarge gap Until a few days ago there was one Gravel pit: “In Erfstad-Birth, houses have been severely damaged, some have collapsed – reads official profile tweet – many are missing. Emergency calls are coming in from homes, but People are often unable to help. Our disaster management is in place. “

“The Flood of Death”, headlined today Picture. According to officials, most of the missing are alone Isolated by telephone, But, as announced by the Minister of the Interior of the Bad Nunehr-Ahrwheiler (Rhineland-Baltinate) region, the worst sixty are feared. According to Trier Meyer Wolfram body, “Many fled without being able to pick up their cell phones“,” So not everyone in an emergency is in a position to show up during these hours “.

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Chairman of the Land Rhineland-Palatinate Malu Trayer (SPD) reiterated that “the situation is very dramatic and the devastation is immense.” He thanked everyone on duty during these hours for “allowing us to save so many”. Spoke from Washington, which received him last night Joe Biden In the White House, Angela Merkel “I was shocked by the news of the places completely submerged in water,” he said: “We do not yet know the number of victims and those involved, but there will be many of them,” the German chancellor said.

The emergency extends to Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg – Adjacent house victims 12 people Belgium, Where more than 20,000 people are without electricity. The most important situation is in the province The siege. The city center was evacuated last night for fear of the Muse overflowing, and its condition has now been confirmed. The country is in shock because of an event that the media defines as having historical proportions. Has been affected Luxembourg e Netherlands, Some neighborhoods Maastricht Were expelled. Instead about them 550 families were evicted In the same city this morning Romant, Located Mosa, In the province Limburg. According to the agency responsible for highways and river installations, the water has reached record levels Ridgewaterstadt, Sirens and megaphones woke up residents at 6 a.m. and ordered them to leave their homes immediately.

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