July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Hustle in Amsterdam due to a demonstration against the rules of Corona: Mi…

Hustle in Amsterdam due to a demonstration against the rules of Corona: Mi…

The streets of the Dutch capital, Amsterdam, were crowded, on Sunday, due to a demonstration against the rules of Corona. According to the municipality, there were approximately 10,000 Corona protesters in Dam Square around 12 noon, but according to those present, there were more protesters who marched through the city.

At 12:00 the procession moved from Dam Square to Rosengracht, Marnixtraat and along Leidseplein. The demonstrators then headed to the fairly narrow Utrechtstraat, where there was no space. In the Utrechtsestraat, the appearances attracted a lot of attention from the residents, who hung from their windows. “Join us,” the demonstrators shouted.

Relaxing atmosphere

The atmosphere among the demonstrators is friendly. Music is played from the speakers and some groups work to the beat of the drum. People chant and chant slogans such as “Love, Freedom, No Dictatorship”.

Photo: EPA-EFE

According to the initiators, about sixty organizations take part in the show, which also issues a statement against “the affairs of surcharges, housing shortages and the Groningen case”. The procession includes yellow umbrellas and flags from Healthy Sense, Heart for Frigidaire, Democracy Forum, Wacker den Helder and other cities from the “Walker” movement. There is also a small children’s parade with a banner that reads “Children for Freedom”.

The road continued to Rembrandtplein, and passed the Blauwbrug to Stopera, the city hall in Amsterdam. They then went through Amsterdam Central Station back to Dam Square, where the first protesters arrived around 3:15 pm.