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Is your energy bill correct?  Or are you paying too much – without even knowing it?  Check it out in these five steps  My guide

Is your energy bill correct? Or are you paying too much – without even knowing it? Check it out in these five steps My guide

Mining energyEvery now and then the media talk about ridiculously high energy bills, which are, for example, the result of too many zeros or a forgotten comma. As a customer, you will immediately spot such blunders. But sometimes deviations also appear, which – although less noticeable – can still cost you a pretty penny. How do you define these and how can you contest or challenge them? Mijnenergie.be Helps you step by step.

Written by Kurt Deman, in collaboration with Mijnenergie


Insufficient transparency

For many consumers, the energy bill remains a complex collection of different cost elements. During the first nine months of 2023, the Federal Office of Grievances received no less than 1,210 complaints related to the lack of transparency in the field of contracts, prices, and discounts. However, you may be able to recognize for yourself some signs that incorrect invoices are being issued. We'll help you get started with a set of steps below.

Have you entered into an expensive fixed energy contract in 2023? This is how you can get out of it.

Step 1: Ask for a different bill amount

Is your bill not quite in line with previous years, without your consumption increasing significantly? Then something might be wrong. Especially now that we've gotten over the energy crisis (gradually), the amount of your bill shouldn't increase dramatically for the same consumption.

Step 2: Check your meter reading

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Your annual bill is settled based on meter readings. With an analog meter with a reversing counter, you enter this yourself, while with a digital meter this happens automatically. It is advisable to check whether the consumption on your bill matches your findings. To avoid discussions afterwards, you can also take a photo of your meter reading.

Do you still have your analog power meter? This is how many times you have to record your score (which is why you can do it more often).

Step 3: Is the rate of energy charged correct?

Your energy contract stipulates a fixed charge and a price per kilowatt-hour. With a fixed price, you can easily check if everything is correct. In the case of a variable price, the price card shows only the price for the month or quarter. For the final annual bill, the energy supplier relies on a weighted average of monthly or quarterly prices, according to standard consumption profiles. Knowing this account seems almost impossible. If in doubt, consult your energy supplier first.

Reading advice: Why does your energy bill decrease more slowly and less steeply than actual electricity and natural gas prices?

Step 4: Check welcome discounts

Most energy suppliers today offer welcome discounts to new customers. At the end of the contract year, please double check if your discount has been taken.

Are you thinking about switching? You can enjoy these welcome discounts now.

Step 5: Pay more attention when switching suppliers and relocating

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With this switch, the final invoice will follow from the “old” supplier. It certainly wouldn't hurt to take a closer look. In case of transfer, the previous and new owners complete an energy acquisition document with meter readings. It's best to check it again afterward.

How can you dispute an invoice?

You should first raise any issues or disputes with your energy supplier or network operator. This can be done by letter, but also by email. Some players post their complaints form on their website. Your supplier must then provide you with a detailed document free of charge containing all information relating to your invoice, and must then answer your questions and complaints.

As long as your objection is being processed – and of course also if your complaint turns out to be justified – you will not have to pay the amount due or in dispute. Often an explanation provides the necessary clarity or an amicable settlement is sufficient. If you cannot reach an agreement, you can contact Energy Ombudsman.

Please note the limitation period

Anyone can file an objection up to one year after receiving the bill. In turn, energy suppliers also have a one-year period to correct incorrect bills. Distribution system operator has two years.

Check for yourself which energy contract best suits your condition: You can take the test quickly and easily via the comparison below.

Read more on Mijnenergie.be:

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This article is brought to you by our partner Mijnenergie.be.
Mijnenergie.be is an independent energy price comparison site for electricity and gas offers.