July 27, 2024

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Overview.  On Monday, the record number of infections reached more than 60 thousand, hospitals continue to rise, and the number of patients in intensive care continues to decline |  Instagram news VTM

Overview. On Monday, the record number of infections reached more than 60 thousand, hospitals continue to rise, and the number of patients in intensive care continues to decline | Instagram news VTM

Corona numbers are rising, except for the number of patients in intensive care. According to the latest figures from the Sciensano Health Institute, the average number of new infections, hospitalizations and deaths is increasing. On Monday, it recorded a record 60,419 new (temporary) cases.

Read all about Corona Virus in this file.

The average number of infections per day continues to rise, with an average daily per week from January 10-16 28,252 infection, an increase of 27 percent over the previous seven-day period.

The incidence in the last 14 days is 3,066.

when we get daily numbers When we look at it, we see that the number of infections was higher every day in the past week than the previous week. Monday January 10 37.693 Injuries recorded in our country, a record that was broken last Monday. As of January 17, there are already 60,419 new cases on the counter. A temporary number that has not yet been standardized. This is an underestimate anyway: in fact, according to virologist Stephen van Gucht, more than three to four times new infections were added that day.


Between January 10 and 16, on average 86.349 Tests a day. This is about the same as during the previous seven-day period.


The positivity rate was between January 10 and 16 35.2 percent. This represents an increase of 8.1 percent over the previous week. If we look at the daily numbers, we are already seeing a peak of 48.29%. This means that nearly half of the people tested turned out to be positive.

He. She reproduction number It rose 15 percent to 1.19. A number above 1 indicates that the pandemic is getting stronger.

Hospital stay

The average number of hospitalizations increased compared to the previous week. Between January 14 and 20, the daily average was calculated 232 Including people, an increase of 28 percent. Yesterday there were 302 new registrations. It’s been December 9th since there have been so many.

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In total there is now 2.568 Hospitalized Covid-19 patients (+27 percent), 387 Of them (-9 percent) have Dense disadvantaged.


The number of deaths increased slightly (+6%) to average from January 10-16 20 Per day. Since the beginning of the epidemic, there have been 28.726 To regret the deaths of Corona.


9.016.573 Meanwhile, according to the latest confirmed figures, the Belgians already have at least one first dose A vaccine against Covid-19. Yesterday this new milestone of 9 million was reached. 8,838.397 People already got Complete basic vaccination. This is 77 percent of the total population. 6.033.766 People already got one third shotAlso, a new dress. This represents about 52 percent of the total population.

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Being in Flanders 5.437.253 The population has been vaccinated at least once, accounting for 81.73 percent of the total population. 5.410.532 Among them, they actually got two shots, or 81.32 percent of the total population. 3.990.383 Flemings (59.98 percent) have already received a booster dose.

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