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Post-cookie advertising: from one-to-one to “one-to-many”?

Post-cookie advertising: from one-to-one to “one-to-many”?

As the cookie disappears, the ease with which communication between two people can be achieved also disappears. So “one to many” becomes more interesting, especially with contextual targeting and response to the location of the target group.

Thanks to the cookie, you can target targets precisely and for a longer period Top of mind And focus sharply on return on investment. Therefore, it makes sense for the advertiser to focus on this matter. But now Chrome has finally started doing that too To block by third party biscuit. Currently, this is a test for one percent of users, but starting in July 2024, this functionality will be available to all Chrome users. Edge, Firefox, and Safari have all changed a long time ago.

This changes the scalability along with its targeting options an offer-Aesthetic view. Only with Server side Using cookies, you can still measure customer behavior on a site – provided you have permission, of course – but no longer cross-site behavior and Contact points to. Now, the death of the cookie does not necessarily mean the death of person-to-person communication, but this development requires adjustments: Is person-to-person communication still the smarter option?

A one-on-one dilemma

With digital media, you can respond specifically to conversion. This runs the risk of short-sighted thinking: that target group was already ready to make a purchase. Everyone is looking for this conversion stage, which makes advertising via Google and Facebook, for example, more expensive every year.

If you really want to increase your market share, you'll also have to attract non-customers who are higher up in the conversion funnel. This is true according to Byron Sharp in his best-selling book How brands grow Everything happens: “This part of the buyer's buying process happens before buyers consciously evaluate which brands they will choose. In fact, buyers 'decide' not to consider the vast majority of brands on the market. At the top of the funnel, your brand will gain more visibility, Even among people who fall outside your original target group: lose. The question here is how precisely you define your target group: casual customers can still buy your product. lose So this isn't necessarily wrong, especially when you start thinking about groups again: One to many.

From individual to contextual

The Ether Advertising Foundation (Ster) has made a conscious choice not to use cookies for advertising purposes as of 1 January 2020. Ster now uses contextual targeting: for example, the talk show no longer falls under the general heading of news and current affairs, but specific topics are selected For each episode. Brands can at least advertise successfully without cookies, which is what Steer A Dutch Privacy Award give up.

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What also plays a role is that publishers are able to attract specific target groups with inherent interests. For example, the Radio 10 audience would be more interested in Stella electric bikes and the Slam! More interested in Fatbikes. And your target group is not only present on specific channels, but also on specific sites.

A little retrospective

In 2016, I worked on a special Vodafone campaign for GroupM. The aim was to reach out to people on holiday and inform them of Vodafone roaming information. We looked at the open data that Rijkswaterstaat collects through 22,000 sensors on the road. We found patterns that pointed us to really busy days when people went on vacation. There appears to be a relationship between this data and the data received from Vodafone transmission towers. This has allowed us to buy intelligently and make our roaming offer more visible among holidaymakers.

Peugeot did almost the same thing in 2018 with a campaign targeting vulnerable freelancers and small business owners. Company truck Driving around. By analyzing data from different points in the traffic network, it became clear that this target group could be found on the highway at specific times. We then trained the AI ​​model to use the camera imageHe feeds To recognize if these patterns are correct and then use them for prediction. For Peugeot, advertising in those times meant using the media budget more effectively.

In short: By buying media in the places and times where your target group is, you can get more out of your advertising budget. a Location intelligenceplatform like Adsquare For example, it provides the option to target users of a specific app or visitors of a specific store chain. Now, making this data representative is difficult, but these types of sources give you good pointers with which you can start testing.

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Load your brand with relatability and emotion

Where you appear as a brand is becoming increasingly important. from direction Fire safetyFor example, you won't easily find Disney's expression next to violent content, because the company only buys from parties that offer low-risk content. On the other hand, you can with it Umfeld Make certain associations. For example, it might be particularly interesting for someone like Volvo to advertise around a TV programme Plane crash investigation: Every time you see an airplane, you think of the safest car brand.

You can create a strong brand association with emotion. The combination of storytelling and physical experience works especially well for this because you can really touch people with it. The challenge is to know what works and what doesn't: you'll have to test again. This starts with an in-depth look at your target group.

Really know your target group

There is much more to it than just the individual ad. The essence of advertising is to know the characteristics and behavior of your target group and respond intelligently with the right message. By advertising with context, based on presence and emotion One to many More interesting again. This requires a clear picture of your target group. What behavior does the target group display and on what channels? In what places and times can you achieve more visibility?

Human behavior shows typical patterns that you can easily recognize, such as commuting, vacation behavior, and shopping behavior. At the same time, you don't have to worry about reaching your target group: when you understand where your target group is located, advertising platforms and publishers will offer you the right advertising options and you can achieve economies of scale. There is no single approach that is always the best solution: one-on-one, One to many or one for all Each has plus and minus points. It's about understanding your target group and knowing which channels and at what cost will help you achieve your goals as efficiently and effectively as possible.

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About the Author: Aaron Spijkers is the Director of Product and Marketing at Schiphol.