July 26, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Princess Diana’s employee opens up: ‘Charles’ entourage lied about her mental illness’ |  Kings

Princess Diana’s employee opens up: ‘Charles’ entourage lied about her mental illness’ | Kings

KingsThe former chief of staff to Princess Diana claims that he knows the princess better than many other people from the royal circle. So he makes it clear that much of the gossip from royal passages is untrue: “They systematically wanted to exclude Diana from the family because they knew Charles was having an affair with Camilla.”

Patrick Jephson, 66, the chief of staff who worked closely with Princess Diana for eight years, alleges that Charles’ staff defamed his first wife by spreading false information about her mental illness. “It wasn’t just an accidental sledgehammer. It was a systematic way of excluding Diana from the royal family.”

“It’s been a long time coming, but I still want to shed light on this. This man is now ours, and that is precisely why such stories should not be covered up. What happened in the past, in theory, can always happen again,” Jephson continues. . Of the concrete rumors about Diana, he says: “If you dare ask a question about Diana to people of royal rank, you will in any case get the answer that it was a tragic story and that she was essentially in a mental slum, arguing that she was not up to the task that he had. Do it like a princess.” According to Jephson, the royals also added that everything is fine now that they have the perfect replacement in the “down-to-earth and down-to-earth” Camilla.

smart woman

But Jephson strongly disagrees with the royal family’s view of the entire Diana situation. “I probably knew Diana better than anyone else, and she was one of the most sane people I’ve ever met,” said the former chief of staff. “Looking at the life she had and the pressures she was under, not only was she sane, but she also had a kind of ability to properly put strange situations right again.” He admits: “She can be a little deceptive at times, but she was always very concerned, perceptive, sensible and funny. Thus, she is not as mystical and fearless as rumors in royal circles claim.”

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a look. Video provides an overview of the turbulent life of Princess Diana

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