July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

There is no green check in the CoronaCheck app after the first injection in another EU country

There is no green check in the CoronaCheck app after the first injection in another EU country

Photo: SGN

The global organization of GGDs, when asked, says that people who received their first corona hit in another EU country and a second punch in the Netherlands cannot currently get a green tick in the CoronaCheck app. The cause of the problem is technical in nature, and “a solution is being worked on”.

“The vaccination data for the syringe from abroad has not been technically properly processed,” a spokeswoman for GGD GHOR Nederland said. The Ministry of Health is also aware of this defect. “The fact that after the second injection in the Netherlands, the vaccination procedure was completely closed, is not yet clear in the application,” a spokeswoman clarifies. The problem does not arise for people who received their first injection in a country outside the European Union.

People who live in the Netherlands or have Dutch citizenship and who received the first shot outside the Netherlands can indicate this when scheduling the second shot in the Netherlands, so that the vaccination is already registered as the second shot. According to the Ministry of Health, a vaccination certificate from the other country is not required for this. We want to make the procedure as accessible as possible. Plus, we suppose there’s no point in lying about it.”

It is unclear how many people are affected by the problem. The ministry “sometimes receives questions” about foreign injections. Dutchman Quinn Waldring lives in Madrid. “I had my first vaccination in Spain. Now that I have visited my family in the Netherlands for the summer, I would like to do it as safely as possible.” This is why a second jab was fixed during his visit to Holland. “But due to application problems, I am now unable to obtain a Corona passport. In fact, the piece of paper I got from GGD says categorically: ‘There is no evidence of vaccination. So I don’t have to get to Spain with this.’” Woldringh is currently required to continue testing it for all trips and events while it is fully vaccinated.

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Stichting Nederlanders Buiten Nederland, which represents the interests of Dutch people living abroad, describes the problem as “extremely troublesome”. According to Foundation Secretary Twan Laan, this can affect people living abroad, as well as vacationers, for example. “Think of retirees with a vacation home on the Mediterranean.” And calls for leniency in dealing with vaccination certificates for these people. “If someone can prove on paper that they have been vaccinated, that should also suffice.”