October 23, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Yes!  Timeline is back again on Instagram

Yes! Timeline is back again on Instagram

Across Online editorial

Initially, all posts on Instagram were displayed in chronological order. But once we defined the term “algorithm,” the fun was over. Since 2016, the photos on your Instagram feed are displayed according to your post. The more you like or share someone’s posts, the more times they will see the content from that account.

“Favorites” and “Following”

Frustrating, because you often see the same post multiple times and at the same time you miss all kinds of other content. Until now. As of today, by tapping Instagram in the top right once you’re in the app, you can choose from among the different views. So you have the standard feed, which is still post-based, but ‘favorites’ and ‘following’ have now been added as well.

By selecting “Favorites”, you will see only your favorite profile posts. There is a maximum of fifty years and of course you can choose for yourself. By selecting Follow, you will see the posts of the people you follow in chronological order. The perfect way to not miss anything. Note that you have to re-select the selection every time you open the app, so you’ll still see the sharing timeline by default. As you know.

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