July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

First Auctions Sold On “Once Andermaal”: “I’m Not Really Satisfied With The Proceeds” |  TV

First Auctions Sold On “Once Andermaal”: “I’m Not Really Satisfied With The Proceeds” | TV

TVTonight’s show is the new VTM show “Eenmaal Andermaal”. In the first episode, Jacques Vermeer is surrounded by fellow comedian Kemal Kharmash. Axel Daeseleire can count on the help of TV phenomenon Martien Meiland. Each couple will get a budget of 750 euros where they have to buy 3 things within 3 hours and then auction them at a high price. Proceeds from auctioned things do not disappear in the pockets of Axel and Jack, but go entirely to Red Nose Day.

When normal people turn their beds again, Axl and Jack are already on their way because to get the best deals, you have to be there before the chicken. Axel captures Martien Meiland who has never been to Antwerp. He has already informed who their opponent is Jacques Vermeer. “I don’t know him, I’ve only known Sandra Kim since 1986,” laughs the brilliant Dutchman.

Discount for…a photo

At a flea market in City Park, Axel and Martin immediately collide with two vases and the price can be exchanged for … A photo of both gentlemen. Jack and Kemal find nothing in the market and change tactics. They enter a record store and find a collector’s item: a very special version of the soundtrack to “The Great Gatsby,” created by Jack White of The White Stripes. Here, too, 50 euros can be deducted from the price for a photo.

Two helpful sisters, Ansje and Noortje Cools, help the duo get their stuff back or strengthen it a bit. And then it’s hit or miss: whoever makes the most of their stuff while auctioning at the Ghent Loeckx auction house, is the winner.

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Axel himself is an avid collector of all things crosses and crosses. So he expects a lot from his first piece to be auctioned. But it doesn’t go as planned. “I’m not really happy with the return,” Axel said.

Jack managed to get a unique paraffin for 290 euros. Axel doesn’t like her at all. But maybe Jack made a good buy here…

Jack and Kemal purchased a vinyl copy of the movie “The Great Gatsby” soundtrack. And successfully! At the auction, they can almost double their winnings.

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Jacques Vermeire or Axel Daeseleire: Who Has the Best Nose for the Golden Stuff in “Once More”?

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