Reader questionEveryone has already taken an open bottle of soda from the refrigerator and then drank a glass of “flat” soda in disappointment. Are there ways to counter that? And why does that sting disappear from an open soda bottle? Engineer-brewer Jean-Claude Claise separates facts from myths and shares helpful advice.
“There are three types of gases in the food industry,” says engineer-brewer Jean-Claude Claise of the global gases company Messer. It is responsible for research and development, among other things, and supports various countries in everything related to the food industry.
“Liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide (CO2) can act as a medium to freeze something without drying it out, preserving the quality and freshness of the product. In addition, carbon dioxide can be an additive used by the food industry to package a package of salami or a bag of lettuce To keep them longer, because carbon dioxide inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Finally, the gas can also be an ingredient when it enters your body as part of a product.”
“The gas in your drinks is carbon dioxide, or carbon dioxide: a mild acid with a specific odor. Unlike argon, oxygen, and nitrogen, carbon dioxide dissolves easily in water. Especially in cooler temperatures. At 50°C the dissolution of carbon dioxide in water is more Difficulty than at 0 ° C. At a lower temperature, carbon dioxide stays in the bottle longer, but you can’t control that yourself.”
How do bubbles disappear from the bottle after a while?
“The carbon dioxide in a soft drink bottle always strives for a balance of pressure and concentration, for example three bar pressure and eight grams of carbon dioxide per liter of water. For soft drinks, the carbon dioxide content is between four and ten grams per liter When the bottle is only half full, the carbon dioxide still in the liquid will once again seek equilibrium in the empty space above the liquid.Before that, the gas will escape from the liquid, leaving you with fewer bubbles in your drink.This ultimately results in to a hissing sound when the cap is unscrewed.”
It helps to squeeze a plastic bottle to make the headspace smaller, then close the bottle tightly.
Jean Claude Clays
Can you stop the bubbles from disappearing from the soda bottle?
“Here’s the best tip: Drink the bottle quickly,” Clayes laughs. Small bottles can also help. Close the bottle properly, otherwise carbon dioxide will continue to be released from the drink. You can also squeeze a plastic bottle to make the free space smaller. If you close the bottle again properly, it will keep the bubbles longer. bottle so your liquid reaches the cap, there will be less free space and the carbon dioxide will balance out faster. Less carbon dioxide should migrate from your drink. You can notice this difference.”
What is definitely not working?
You may have heard that it helps to place a spoon in an open champagne bottle, with the handle down. Something you’ve probably already experienced with soft drinks. “But it is a myth that this keeps the injections longer. Instead just put the stopper on the bottle,” says the expert. “You also won’t notice any difference if you keep your drink cold without a stopper. It may be tastier, but the carbon dioxide will still seek that balance. Laying the bottle flat or upside down doesn’t make sense either. In addition, don’t shake the bottle. And by By drawing air out of the bottle with a vacuum pump—as you would with wine—you get the opposite of what you want, because that’s how you pull the carbon dioxide out of the bottle.”
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