April 28, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Toyota is close to the solid-state battery breakthrough

Toyota is close to the solid-state battery breakthrough

Toyota says it has found a technological breakthrough that will allow it to start as early as 2027 solid statebatteries on the market.

Why is this important?

solid stateSolid state batteries are a promising technology that will change the future of electric vehicles and portable electronics. They can extend performance and improve user experience. But despite efforts by scientists and auto manufacturers to make them commercially available, there are no electric cars using them yet.

in the news. Now Toyota says it has found a new material that circumvents one of the core problems of solid-state batteries: their longevity.

  • extend life solid stateBatteries have long been a challenge that has hampered the technology’s commercial viability.
    • “We found a high-quality material,” said Chief Technology Officer Hiroki Nakajima. according to Nikki Asia. “We’ll keep up with the rest of the world and h

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